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Happy New (Toastmasters) Year!
Last night, Dungeons & Toast celebrated a successful, fun-filled year with an end-of-year retrospective, presented by Guild Master Patrick. If you had to miss last night’s meeting, we invite you to check it out below!
D&T Presents: BH Pierce
Last night, Dungeons & Toast was honored to host author and world-builder BH Pierce for an open house event. BH shared lessons he’s learned over years serving as a convention panelist on topics such as fiction-writing, game mastery, and world-building. You can view his speech below:
Follow author BH Pierce on Twitter at @BHPierce203. Purchase one of his two book series at Amazon.
The “5 Ws” Approach to Writing or World-building
Charter member Michael H shares his “5 Ws” approach to writing and world-building on the Graph Paper Architect YouTube channel. Learn how to make “Bill the Blacksmith” more than just a pretty face.
Lost Lair of the Manticore Photos and Video
Uggh Speaks: An Orcish Rescue Tale
Hear the harrowing tale of Uggh (pronounced like the furry winter boots, not the sound you make when eating vegetables) who saves his fellow orc-kin from a fate most unsavory.
Vood-eulogy with Andrew B
To recognize Friday, May 13th, our meeting was themed for Voudon, the syncretic religion commonly associated with West Africa, Haiti, and New Orleans. Recruitment Master Andrew B. delivered used the occasion to deliver a Voodoo-themed eulogy in honor of one of our two Guild Patrons, Ryan K (who is not, as needs to be said, actually dead).
This approximately 3-minute speech was given as a project within Visionary Communication, Level 3:Â Deliver Social Speeches.
May the 4th Be with You
Dungeons & Toast celebrated the unofficial Star Wars holiday on May 6th, featuring a meeting lead by Toastmaster Yoda and two thematically appropriate speeches from members Brian L. and Loni H.
Member Brian L. presents an “Address to the Republic Senate Regarding the Status of Clones,” speech 1 of 2 within the “Persuasive Influence Level 1 Mastering Fundamentals: Evaluation and Feedback” project.
Former Padawan Ahsoka Tano (member Loni H) discusses four tenets of a successful mentor-mentee relationship as portrayed in Episodes I-IX and the Clone Wars animated series. Pathways Visionary Communication Level 2 project: Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring.
Photos and Video Special Events
D&T Raids Irwindale Ren Faire
While Dungeons & Toast is proud to welcome members from many different parts of the world — Australia, Thailand, India, Canada, and many parts of the United States — we definitely have a critical mass of membership located in southern California! This past weekend, a contingent of Dungeons & Toasters converged upon the Original Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Irwindale and made merry! Check out some of the delightful photos from the event below.
New Guild Party Leaders Chosen
In the best–and most fun–guild leader (club officer) elections that I’ve ever seen, the Dungeons & Toast Toastmasters guild (club) elected our guild party leaders for the upcoming Toastmasters year!
Please welcome with a hearty huzzah our new–and continuing–guild party leaders for the 2022-2023 Masters of Toast year (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023):
Guild Master-Elect (Club President) – Andrew B.
Quest Master-Elect (Vice President Education) – Greg S.
Recruitment Master-Elect (Vice President Membership) – Beth G.
Master Bard-Elect (Vice President Public Relations) – Loni H.
Master Scribe-Elect (Secretary) – Yanini C.
Master of Coin-Elect (Treasurer) – Kelly S.
Sergeant-At-Arms-Elect (Sergeant-At-Arms) – Lucas R.
The future Masters of Toast year is sure to be filled with fun, raids, cosplay, guest speakers, special meetings, quests, and whatever surprises this fun, creative, talented, and special group of guild party leaders comes up with.
Thank you to every guild member who participated in the elections last night: all of our guild members that were in attendance so that we had a quorum to conduct the elections, all of our guild members that ran for a leadership position, Club Leadership Chair Hovey Y. who spearheaded the search for new guild party leaders and led the elections, and Ballot Counters Michael C., Matthew K., and Jeremy K.
That the Dungeons & Toast guild has such an active guild membership who want to serve as guild party leaders is a sight to behold!
I look forward to where our guild party leaders take the guild in the Masters of Toast year to come.
Go Joe! D&T’s GI Joe-Themed Table Topics
Brian L leads the members of Dungeons & Toast through a series Table Topics based on everyone’s (third) favorite 1980’s cartoon, G.I. Joe!
Revenge of the Sixth
This Friday, we will be celebrating all things Star Wars with a “Revenge of the Sixth” meeting (purely because “May the Fourth” does not fall on a Friday). There will be at least two on-theme speeches as well as Table Topics from a Galaxy Far, Far Away. So polish your light saber and don your best Jedi or Sith robes as Dungeons & Toast revels in Power! Unlimited Power!
Sign up to fill a role at this week’s meeting. | Download a Star Wars themed background for Zoom.