Magic Shop

Soulsong Amulet

This white jade stone pendant confers the ability to channel the spirit of a deceased entity once per day. Channeling a spirit in this way grants the caster the benefits of Speak with the Dead as well as a proficiency bonus in one skill for one hour. The use of this item comes at a price, however, as the spirit of the deceased seeks to exert agency over the bearer for the duration, forcing the player to make a DC 10 Charisma save each round or be afflicted by Confusion (as per the spell).

An affected target can’t take reactions and must roll a 1d10 at the start of each turn to determine its behavior for that turn:

  • 1: The creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face. The creature doesn’t take an action this turn.
  • 2-6: The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn.
  • 7-8: The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn.
  • 9-10: The creature can act and move normally.

Unlike the Confusion spell, the target does not become immune to the effect upon having saved successfully but rather continues to be subject to its effects for 1 hour. Without the threat of combat dividing the affected target’s attention, the character has no difficulty maintaining control.

Requires attunement.

Super Soaker Shield

This shield has a look of chaos to it, built with mismatched materials and parts made of a combination of wood, stone, and metal. There are two heavily worn leather straps of different colors to permit single arm carry on the inside of the shield. It is oversized with a 12″ wide double thick layer around the entire edge of the shield. A small, nearly imperceptible switch is placed just about the straps. There is a 2″ wide cap that can be unscrewed on the right side of the shield for water.

Upon closer examination all parts are well cared for and you can see small gears that imply additional mechanical functionality to the item.

The good:

  • This adds +1 to your AC
  • It can provide half cover for one ally if they are adjacent or occupying same square as you and opposite of the enemy
  • You may use your action to put water into the shield and shoot it into an enemies face (ranged spell attack) and if it hits enemy must make a DEX save (against spell DC). If they fail they are blinded until end of their next turn

The bad:

  • You cannot make an melee ranged attack
  • You make any ranged attack, spell or otherwise, at disadvantage
  • Your movement reduces to 10′ in order to pick up and change position of the shield
  • The enemy may circle behind you on their turn and have advantage against you. You do not retain shield AC bonus as it does not move as you turn.
  • It takes an action to put the shield away or you must leave it behind to move at normal speed.

Requires attunement.

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