Heirs of the Dragon logo

2024-2025 Campaign

The Dragon Coast in the Forgotten Realms, once a center of power and nobility, has devolved into a region dominated by thieves' guilds, pirate bands, and secret societies. For the past fifty years, a permanent winter has set in, making seas colder and wilder, hindering trade, and causing snow-covered mountains and inaccessible mines. The freezing of Dragonmere has halted sea travel, and the cause of these changes is unknown, threatening the entire Forgotten Realms.

Story Rules
Next Meeting: Jan 10, 6:45 PM PST Theme: JRRTolkien's Happy Middle Earth Birthday Party

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Administration Lost Lair of the Manticore

XP Adjustments for Education Achievements

In an effort to provide better balance for this year’s TTRPG campaign, Warrens of the Harengon, the experience points granted by several educational achievements have been adjusted. Anyone having earned one or more of these achievements may see their character level impacted as a result of this change.

The following Education achievements have been impacted by this change:

Additionally, the leveling curve has been adjusted as follows:

  1. 0 XP
  2. 30 XP
  3. 90 XP
  4. 160 XP
  5. 230 XP
  6. 300 XP
  7. 370 XP
  8. 440 XP
  9. 510 XP
  10. 580 XP
  11. 650 XP
  12. 720 XP


How Can I Help?

As Questmaster (VPE) it is my primary goal to help you meet yours. There should be an email in each of your inboxes asking why you joined Dungeons and Toast and what you really hope to get out of it. Don’t worry if your honest answer isn’t what you think anyone else wants. I want to work with you to make sure you get what you want.

Please send me a complete and candid response, and we can make sure that Dungeons and Toast members are the most satisfied with their personal progress of all of the Toastmasters clubs.


Using Conflict Resolution Techniques to Design the Manticore Finale.

As last year’s VP Education, I encouraged people to stretch themselves and to give the speeches they wanted to, within the framework of Pathways.

I recently took my own advice, and gave a Persuasive Influence, Level 3 Conflict Resolution speech on using conflict resolution techniques to help me design the Manticore finale in a way that would satisfy people.

The speech went very well, and I rewrote it as a general purpose RPG blog entry, on my Dice Deliberations site. That article can be seen on my blog DiceDeliberations.com, excerpted below:

I recently had the opportunity to combine my job, a speech project, and my love of Role Playing Games into a single speech at Dungeons and Toast, my TTRPG-themed Toastmasters club.

The Toastmasters speech was from my Persuasive Influence path and was the “Conflict Resolution” project, where you learn about conflict resolution techniques, then apply them to a problem and talk about the results.

Conflict resolution, both as presented in the Toastmasters project, and in the types of work I do, does not mean addressing a hostile work environment or other conflicts of that nature. It has to do with helping intelligent, passionate groups of people to find a solution where there is no single right answer, and everything is a trade-off.

The header art for that article, and shown above, is “Betrayal” by Mario Nevado, and is used with his permission.

Lost Lair of the Manticore Special Events

End of the Manticore

On June 23, The year of the Manticore was wrapped up in a fun night filled with laughter and snacks. Patrick and Andrew delivered a creative tag team speech summarizing the year’s campaign. We got to witness the Marquess fall from his high tower and be put into jail by his aunt. All while we enjoyed our new positions in life as Guardians of the Manticore and met with the new king.

Along with hijinks and giggles, we all got dressed up as each of our characters and enjoyed some food and drinks that were thoughtfully sent out by then President Andrew: a tavern board of meat and cheese, Deviled Dragon Eggs, stuffed sausage entitled the Burning of Prince Andrew, and two creative and tasty drinks (the Manticore’s Sting and Strahd’s Nightcap).

After a night of fun and reminiscing over the past year along with thoughtful awards, we were met with a teaser for the new campaign of the year, Warrens of the Harengon. Here’s to a new year of adventures and fun with the Harengon!

Andrew showing off the full array of completed recipes

Congratulations to the following guildmates for their year-end award winnings:

  • The Novelist: Dr. Michael A.
    Most stories written
  • The Misfiring Mirage: Kait R.
    Most shots fired with and without good reason at a sitting guild master in the history of time
  • The “Ah” Collector: Cynthia Z.
    Most frequent performer of the Wizard of Ahs (Ah Counter) role
  • Picker of Nits: Loni H.
    Most frequent performer of the Speech Evaluator role
  • Lord Cronos: Cameron P.
    Most frequent performer of the Sorcerer of Time (Timer) role
  • Queen McJudgypants: Loni H.
    Most frequent performer of the Cleric of Rhetoric (Grammarian) role
  • The Auditor: Michael C.
    Most frequent performer of the Grand Inquisitor (General Evaluator) role
  • The Man Behind the Curtain: Patrick V.
    Most TTRPG sessions run as Game Master
  • The Gamer: Michael C.
    Most TTRPG sessions attended as a player
  • The Adult in the Room: Lucas R.
    Most frequent performer of the Toastmaster role
  • Master of the Silver Tongue: David E.
    Highest number of speeches delivered
  • Adventurer of the Year: Loni H.
    Indeterminate criteria
  • Toastmaster of the Year: Patrick V.
    Greatest number experience points earned

And congratulations to member Ryan K. for winning the door prize, a free Warrens of Harengon t-shirt of his choice!


Dues Renewal

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Lost Lair of the Manticore

Lost Lair of the Manticore Survey

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Warrens of the Harengon

Coming Soon: Warrens of the Harengon

As the Lost Lair of the Manticore campaign draws to a close, we at Dungeons & Toast are looking forward eagerly to next year’s VTTRPG campaign: Warrens of the Harengon! How will this affect you, plucky member? Read on for details!

Continue reading “Coming Soon: Warrens of the Harengon” »

Lost Lair of the Manticore

End-of-Year Manticore Wallpapers

Earn 5 XP for use during the Year of the Harengon for using one of these special event wallpapers, celebrating the conclusion of the Lost Lair of the Manticore TTRPG campaign!

Lost Lair of the Manticore Special Events

2022-2023 End-of-Year Celebration

As the year draws to a close, we plan to reflect on the amazing journey we’ve shared as members of Dungeons & Toast. Let’s celebrate our triumphs, toast to our growth, and revel in the camaraderie that binds us together. Join us Friday, June 23 7-9PM PT for an unforgettable End-of-Year Celebration!

Trivia Challenge: Brush up on your Manticore-campaign trivia by re-reading some of the many wonderful stories written by your guildmates for an opportunity to start the Harengon campaign with XP earned answering trivia questions!

A Feast Fit for Heroes: What better way to honor our legendary achievements than by indulging in a feast fit for heroes? Our End-of-Year Celebration will feature an array of recipes curated by our very own Guild Master, Andrew, and inspired by the fantastical adventures we’ve had during the Lost Lair of the Manticore campaign.

Tavern Board (5 XP)


  1. Buy a pack of Lunchables.
  2. Arrange crackers, meat, and cheese on plate.
  3. Eat.


  1. Purchase a variety of meats, cheeses, crackers, spreads, cornichons, preserves, and veggies/fruits.
  2. Arrange items fancily on your serving tray or board.
  3. Mix and match to enjoy.

Making the Sting

  1. Combine 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of water, and 1 cup of Sichuan Peppercorns into a small pot.
  2. Bring to a simmer stirring frequently .
  3. Remove from heat and let cool.
  4. Strain into separate container to be used for cocktail (bonus, keep the candied peppercorns and toast them in the oven for garnish).

Making your cocktail

  1. Combine 2 oz bourbon, 1 oz of “Sting,” 1/2 oz of lemon juice, and an eggwhite in a shaker.
  2. Dry shake for 30 seconds.
  3. Add ice.
  4. Shake to chill.
  5. Strain and serve over ice (or one large block). Garnish w/ lemon peel and candied peppercorn.

Ingredients: Pre-cooked pack of chicken sausages, pack of cream cheese, 1 red bell pepper, 1 yellow bell pepper, 1 orange bell pepper (you can swap for red jalapenos for more of a kick), fresh basil for garnish

  1. Let the cream cheese sit out for 10-15 minutes to soften (makes it easier).
  2. Preheat oven to 350 F and non stick spray or parchment paper a baking sheet.
  3. Slice sausage length wise to create a seam that goes about 2/3 through the sauasage and gently flatten.
  4. Dice the peppers and mix with cream cheese. The colored peppers are the fire!
  5. Spoon cream cheese into each sausage, you may have leftovers depending on how many sausages you buy.
  6. Cook sausages in the oven until you see cream cheese bubbling but not so much that it is melting/dripping off the sausages.
  7. Garnish with the basil “sails” and enjoy!

Ingredients: Half & half, pomegranate juice, grenadine

  1. Fill your choice of glass with crushed ice.
  2. Add 1 oz of pomegranate juice.
  3. Drizzle/drop grenadine on surface for extra bloody effect.

Ingredients: Eggs, green food coloring, mayo, dijon mustard, salt, pepper, paprika, relish, **optional**: serrano/jalapeno to add “fire”

  1. Hard boil your eggs.
  2. Roll them around on a cutting board but don’t peel to create cracks.
  3. Place egg in ziploc baggies or tupperware filled with green food coloring for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove and peel eggs.
  5. Cut in half and place yolks in bowl.
  6. Add mayo, dijon mustard, and relish to the yolks and mix (also add diced peppers if using). I like to use a rough 3:2:1 ration – 3 parts mayo, 2 parts dijon, 1 part relish. So 3 tablespoons of mayo, 2 of mustard, 1 relish. You can scale up or down depending on how many eggs you use.
  7. Salt and pepper to taste. If you like a little more brine, add some vinegar. If you like some heat, add some Sriracha or hot sauce.
  8. Fill egg white halves with your mixture; don’t be shy!
  9. Garnish with paprika. If you made it spicy, use sriracha or a thin, round slice of pepper in lieu of paprika.
  10. Enjoy!

Awards Ceremony – Celebrating Our Champions: No celebration would be complete without recognizing the exceptional achievements of our members. At our End-of-Year Celebration, we will hold an Awards Ceremony, where we’ll honor individuals who have demonstrated exceptional growth, leadership, and public speaking prowess throughout the year. This is a moment to applaud dedication and celebrate the milestones they’ve conquered on their personal quests.

In Dungeons & Toast, every story matters and every voice has the power to inspire. We can’t wait to raise our goblets with you at our End-of-Year Celebration. Let the adventure begin!

Members can sign up to fill a role here (all XP to be awarded toward the Harengon campaign)


Site Update: Increased Theme Visibility

We in Dungeons & Toast strive for the highest quality weekly meetings, and one of the things that helps set us apart are our extraordinary meeting themes. These themes not only provide an immersive framework for Table Topics but also ignite inspiration for virtual backgrounds, costumes, and sometimes even entire speeches. In celebration of this fact, a new feature has been added to weekly meeting entries, allowing the currently assigned Topics Master (or any officer) to set the meeting theme. When a meeting theme is assigned, it is shared to the front page and to our Discord server.

Along these same lines, the currently assigned Grammarian (or any officer) can set the Word of the Day. Note, however, that the Word of the Day is not shared on Discord or the front page.

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