Harengon Resources Roleplaying

Using your Karats

Fellow Harengon players…you’ve done the work, and now you have some Karats to spend. But what should you do with that currency that is almost as valuable as real carrots?

They’re worth 10g each, so even with just the 50 karats you started with, that gives you 500g to spend on expensive mundane items or even magic items. If only the core books listed the costs of magic items, you could go on a shopping spree.

Now you can. The GMs have agreed on the following website as “definitive enough” for the Harengon campaign: https://www.kassoon.com/dnd/5e/magic-item-prices/

This site lists most items, and you are free to pick from the list, such as you can afford, within the limits of this being a group game, and the club wanting to keep things reasonable. (In other words, the answer to most questions is “yes” but if you find a +5 vorpal sword for 780g or 78 karats, check with us first.)

Also, if you find an item that isn’t on the list, contact Greg, and the GMs will confirm it and price it for you.

And of course, there will be a wide range of wonderful Officer Items for your perusal, coming soon!


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