Special Events

The Guild Horn is Sounding! We Need Your Help!

Hello fellow Dungeons & Toast guild members. I hope that you have seen the awesome news that we’ve got Sean K. Reynolds visiting our Open House and delivering the keynote for the evening. We’d love to fill the room with guests and wanted to share some easy ways for you to do so. You can share the image on your social media and we’ve even taken the liberty of drafting up some generic text you can use for the post:

My Toastmasters club, Dungeons & Toast, is having an Open House on February 11. We have an exciting guest speaker, Sean K. Reynolds (an amazing game designer) who will be giving the keynote of the evening. If you like gaming or just want to enjoy a fun night of storytelling and creative speaking, please visit! Sign up at www.dungeonsandtoast.com and click “Visit.” #D100

Would you prefer/be willing to send a personal email, well we’ve got you covered there too!

Hey <Name>-

I wanted to invite you to an Open House for a club I’m a part of, Dungeons & Toast. It’s been a wonderful experience for me and has helped me become  not only a better speaker but also a more creative person in general. I feel like it’s something you’d enjoy and we’ve got Sean K. Reynolds speaking who has a lot of experience with game design.

It’d be great if you would be willing to come check it out.

Don’t worry, you won’t have to speak if you don’t want to. And there is no pressure to join. I just thought you might enjoy it – it’s a lot of fun!

If you’d like to attend the Open House, you can register at www.DungeonsandToast.com and click “Visit.” I hope you’ll be able to make it!


Please share with your friends, family, colleagues… It’s always more fun to game with other people. 🙂

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