During this year’s campaign, each character will be able to channel their dragon souls starting at level 2. This is in addition to any background, class, or race stat boosts or boons you may already receive. The benefits of your dragon lineage will be based on the characteristics of each of the nine dragons.
Dragon Lineages: Descriptions and Boons

Qiuniu is the gentlest of the children of Huang Long. Finding joy in the harmony of music, it has a quintessential dragon appearance and is often found adorned on musical instruments.
When children of Qiuniu activate their dragon souls they receive the following benefits for 1 hour:
- Gain advantage of Charisma saving throws
- Gain advantage of Persuasion and Performance skill checks
- Targets you attempt to Charm have disadvantage on their save
- You may cast True Strike as a bonus action on allies (not self)

Yazi’s beast form takes shape as the head of a dragon and the body of a jackal. It is bloodthirsty and fond of fighting, often depicted with a sword in its jaws. Often found on armor and weapons, the image of Yazi is used to strike fear in enemies and courage in the hearts of warriors.
When children of Yazi activate their dragon souls they receive the following benefit for 1 minute:
Roll a D8
- 1 – Add 1d10 to your damage rolls
- 2 – Add 1d6 Fire Damage to your damage rolls and Gain Resistance to Fire Damage
- 3 – Add 1d6 Cold Damage to your damage rolls and Gain Resistance to Cold Damage
- 4 – Add 1d6 Necrotic Damage to your damage rolls and Gain Resistance to Necrotic Damage
- 5 – Add 1d6 Radiant Damage to your damage rolls and Gain Resistance to Radiant Damage
- 6 – Gain advantage on your next attack each time you successfully hit an enemy
- 7 – Gain the Charger feat
- 8 – Add your proficiency bonus to your AC

Chaofeng’s form is a hybrid of a phoenix and a dragon. An adventurer at heart, Chaofeng can be seen on the four corners of roofs to represent its longing for adventure to see beyond the horizon as well as protect buildings from evil influence. Chaofeng looks like a natural explorer.
When children of Chaofeng activate their dragon souls they receive the following benefits for 1 hour:
- Gain advantage on Survival and Nature skill checks
- You may cast Longstrider and Jump, once each during the duration
- Pick one non-human target. You are able to learn everything about it through your insight. You have advantage on all skill checks and saving throws related to the target for the duration or until the target dies or is knocked unconscious. Target has disadvantage on any action it takes against you during this time. This skill may only be used on one target and cannot be transferred to another target until you channel your dragon soul again.

Pulao is found by the sea, but not easy to find. Its form is that of a small, four-legged dragon, it hides from sea beasts and is more well known for its mighty roar that can be heard when it is scared. Pulao’s voice is so loud, you will often find its image atop bells that represent its vocal prowess.
When children of Pulao activate their dragon souls they receive the following benefits for 1 minute:
- Become one size smaller and add your proficiency bonus to your AC
- Magical armor scales, non-magical armor does not
- Weapons do not scale, player must understand rules for weapons
- Can cast the Booming Blade Cantrip
- Can cast Misty Step equal to the number of times of your proficiency bonus
- Gain advantage on Stealth skill checks

Suanni is a hybrid of a lion and a dragon that finds peace in stillness. Its favorite pastime is to sit and watch incense smoke rise. Suanni is often found on wood burners as a nod to its love of the fragrance of burning wood and relaxation.
When children of Suanni activate their dragon souls they receive the following benefits for 1 hour:
- Cast Calm Emotions once during the duration
- Cast Fog Cloud a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus
- Gain advantage against Charmed/Frightened/Sleep statuses
- You and your allies gain the benefits of one short rest.

Bixi is known for its immense strength and stirring up trouble by moving mountains upon its back. It was decided that Bixi would take the form of a turtle with a dragon head to allow large monuments, tablets, and gravestones to be rested upon its shell. Now, Bixi symbolizes longevity, strength, and stability.
When children of Bixi activate their dragon souls they receive the following benefits for 1 minute:
- Add your proficiency bonus to your Strength score
- Gain advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws
- Immune to being knocked prone or poisoned. Resistant to poison damage.
- Disadvantage on DEX-based saves, checks, and attacks.

Bi’an has a fierce appearance, often depicted more as a tiger than a dragon. With long sharp fangs and great visual prowess, nothing escapes Bi’an’s eye and it represents justice. It uses its fiery nature to strike fear in the hearts of those who would treat humanity unfairly and can be found in prisons or courts to deter criminals and remind humanity to live honestly.
When children of Bi’an activate their dragon souls they receive the following benefits for 1 hour:
- Gain advantage on CHA saving throws
- Gain advantage on Persuasion, Intimidation, and Insight skill checks
- May cast the Augury and Suggestion spells a combined number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Fuxi is elegance. Fascinated by writings found on epitaphs, Fuxi made it a habit of curling itself up and perching upon the top of gravestones and the like to read the writings displayed. To this day, Fuxi is often depicted curled atop stela taking in the beauty of the language and history of mankind.
When children of Fuxi activate their dragon souls they receive the following benefits for 1 hour:
- Have advantage on WIS and INT saving throws
- Add your proficiency bonus to one of your WIS or INT score.
- Advantage on Arcana and History skill checks
- May cast Borrowed Knowledge once during the duration.

Chiwen takes the form of a fish with a raised tail. Its deep understanding of both water and wind have allowed it to understand the flow of energy within nature. Chiwen is often found on rooftops and building corners to ward off evil and regulate the energy of the areas it protects.
When children of Chiwen activate their dragon souls they receive the following benefits for 1 hour:
- Have advantage on Nature, Arcana, and Survival skill checks
- Cast the Resistance and Blade Ward (gains a 30 ft range) cantrips on allies as a bonus action (not self).
- Cast Banishment Spell once during the duration.
How to channel your Dragon Soul
Once you have reached Level 2 you may begin channeling your dragon lineage. The rules of activating your dragon soul are as follows:
- Channeling your dragon soul is a free action
- You cannot dismiss the effects once activated for the length of time indicated in the descriptions
- You may only channel your dragon soul the number of times equal to your proficiency bonus minus one per long rest
Thank you to the GM team as well as Chad and Colin Huff for their feedback building out the dragon soul system. As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me on discord @SkiptomyBrew.