
Guild Election Results

Hello fellow guild members!

My greatest apologies for the delay but as many of you know, we held our guild officer elections at the beginning of the month. It is my great honor to introduce the guild leadership for the 2024-2025 Toastmasters year:

Guild Master (President): Greg Stockton

Quest Master (VP of Education) Andrew Brewer

Recruitment Master (VP of Membership): Cameron Pedersen

Master Bard (VP of Public Relations): Kait Watson

Master Scribe (Secretary): Kenneth Bradshaw

Master of Coin (Treasurer) Kelly Sclafani

Sergeant at Arms: Mindy Begenat

Thank you to all the members who ran for positions of leadership and thank you to those of you who will be serving as club officers next year. And finally, thank you to our current officers for such a great 2023-2024 Toastmasters year!

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