5E Mechanics Heirs of the Dragon

Creating Your Heir of the Dragon

So you’d like to create a character for Dungeons & Toast’s Heirs of the Dragon campaign? Before you get started, you may want to review some background info:

Link to Campaign Overview – The campaign page on Dungeon & Toast’s website. Some basic lore and mechanics for the game.

Creating Your First D&D Character – This is a nice post on D&D Beyond that goes through the mechanics of creating a character. We use their website for our campaigns so it is a good resource to review before creating your own.

Create Your Character on D&D Beyond

Our Immediate Past Guild Master has a campaign already created on D&D Beyond.

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It will give you access to all races and classes available for Heirs of the Dragon.

Some things to remember before creating a character:

  • Use the “Point Buy” system for the Abilities section
  • Advancement Type will be milestone
  • Make Character Privacy “public” if you’d like help from GMs or want to post your character on the guild site.
  • Characters will utilize Max HP when leveling up during the campaign.
  • Items that come with your character’s background/class can be added on your D&D Beyond character sheet manually when creating a character.
  • If you would like to play one of the animal races from the Warrens of the Harengon campaign, they should be available on D&D Beyond.

Create Your Character on the Guild Homepage

Once you have your character created on D&D Beyond, you can put the basic information into the “My Character Sheet” section of the homepage (requires login). Once you login, click the “Campaign” drop down and choose the “My Character Sheet” option. Once you create your character here, you can link to your D&D Beyond character sheet as long as you set your privacy to “public” when creating your character. To find the link to your D&D Beyond character sheet, go to your character sheet page and click the “share” button at the top. It should give you a link to copy and paste.

Leveling and Gearing Up Your Character

Once you’ve created your character, you should see what level you are based on the XP you’ve earned so far during this Toastmasters Year. Depending on your level, you may need to go back to your D&D Beyond character page and level up your character. To do so, just click the hammer and anvil image on the top right of your character sheet to edit your character.

Once you create your character, you also earn 250 GP. To look for items you may wish to purchase, I recommend using the D&D Beyonds Item Page to look at equipment and magic items. To start, it’s likely you’ll only be able to afford common and uncommon items. Look for armor, weapons, and items suitable for your character and then visit Akemi’s Magickal Sundries and Tea House to purchase utilizing the gold in your account. Just search for the item and click “Unlock for XX Gold” to add to your character. You can also add the item to your character sheet in D&D Beyond if you’d like to track it there for our Roll 20 Games.

Some items to consider as you start earning gold at lower levels:

  • Bag of Holding – carry all the loot!
  • Cloak of Protection – +1 AC (Armor Class) and +1 on all Saving Throws
  • +1 Weapons and Armor – Improves defense/offense in combat
  • Alchemy Jug – Fun item that allows you to create a bunch of different liquids
  • Brewer’s Supplies – Because you’ll want beer for your journey

Seriously, just look through the items, see what speaks to you, and check the shop to see if you can afford it. If your character’s race, class, or background gives you items to start, just add them manually to your D&D Beyond character sheet. Do not worry about purchasing these from Akemi’s shop.

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Done… for now!

That’s it! You’re ready to play in the Heirs of the Dragon campaign. But there’s a lot more stuff for you to check out if you’d like to:

Beyond 20 Chrome Extension – If you’d like to use your character sheet from the D&D Beyond homepage to play in Roll20, Chrome has a nifty little extension that’s pretty easy to use.

Request a Character Design – Want a cool image of your character? Submit your design request and our resident AI artist (Loni) will get something whipped up for you when she has time.

Check out everyone’s character! – Visit the character roster page on the guild website and see what other members are doing with their own characters.

The story so far… – See posts from other guild members about the game or their characters that are shared on the Dungeons & Toast website/blog.

Level Up! – Visit the Quests page to figure out how to maximize XP and Gold earning. Give speeches, serve as a functionary, wear your gear! These are all ways to level and strengthen your character.

Give Commendations – Did someone inspire you? Help you with a speech? Do a great job in a meeting? Run a fantastic game? Well take a moment and nominate them for a commendation on our “Commendations” page. This earns their character XP for this year’s campaign.

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