Heirs of the Dragon Roleplaying

Heirs of the Dragon: The Location & The Problem

On the southern shores of the Dragonmere, there lies the Dragon Coast.

Welcome to the Dragon Coast

In the Forgotten Realms there is a small geographical area known as the Dragon Coast. It exists on the southern shores of the Dragonmere (also known as the Lake of Dragons) which runs into the Sea of Fallen Stars to the east. From the west, the Tun River flows into Dragonmere through a small, wetlands area and a large mountain range protects the region from the south. The Dragon Coast has long been known for its lack of central government and to outsiders, functions as a small collection of city-states and pirate holds. Power has never been focused in one group but rather ebbs and flows between the different thieves’ guilds, pirate bands, and secret societies that work in the shadows of the region.

There was a time, many generations ago, that this area was the center of power and nobility. Over the centuries, it has devolved into a culture of “everyone has a price.” No one knows when it began, but everyone understands that this is the reality of the Dragon Coast.

Forever Winter

For the last five decades, the seas have gotten colder, darker, and more wild, increasingly limiting trade to the region. The tops of the Giant’s Run Mountains have been covered with snow and the mines in the Gulthmere Forest have gotten colder as the years have gone by, making it nearly impossible to access the resources within. Even the edges of the “Lake of Dragons”, have begun to freeze at their narrowest point between Westgate and Urmlaspyr, forcing the towns on the western edge of Dragonmere to discontinue all travel by sea indefinitely.

No one knows what’s wrong on the Dragon Coast. But if it is not solved, the fallout will be felt by all life in the Forgotten Realms.

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