
6 Months of Thanks

This holiday season, as we gather with our friends and loved ones — in person or virtually — it’s a great time to express feelings of appreciation and affection for those who help make our lives that much brighter. As President of Dungeons & Toast, those people include all my guild mates, and especially those who have volunteered to serve in a leadership role these past six months, be it in a formal officer position or as a much-needed committee chair. So to Quest Master (VPE) Michael A, Recruitment Master (VPM) Lucas R, Master Bard (VPPR) Kait R, Master of Coin (Treasurer) Kelly S, Master Scribe (Secretary) Angel L, Sergeant at Arms Cameron P, Immediate Past Guild Master (IPP) Andrew B, Campaign Master Greg S, and Tavern Master Patrick V, thank you for your friendship, dedication, and care. I look forward to working together to make the second half of our Toastmasters/Dungeons & Toast campaign year even better!

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