Sure! That sounds like an easy question to answer. In response to this question you may say to yourself of course I do! My characters have mad skills and I know what I can do with them! But do you?
I thought I did for my Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fifth edition (5e) characters, until I saw this post on Reddit. The information contained in this post changed my perspective on what I can do with the skills that my D&D 5e characters have.
Use this list as a springboard to creativity for what your characters can do in-game to enhance the role-play, gameplay, and experience of everyone at the gaming table. Please be sure to reach out in advance to your Dungeon Master (DM), or Game Master (GM) if you plan to use this in another TTRPG (Tabletop Role-playing Game) system, to get their approval prior to the inclusion of what can be done with this list of skills into the adventure or campaign world.
In reality — which is an ironic choice of words given the fantastical, made-up nature of TTRPGs! — the only limit to what your characters can do with their skills, or anything else, is your imagination and creativity. (And your DMs/GMs approval!)
Although the thread is archived on Reddit and thus further comments are unable to be posted in said thread as a result, please feel free to post any suggestions or comments that you may have here.
Players, the addition of what can be done with this list of skills into your adventure or campaign world may enhance your gameplay, level up your game, and add another string to your bow.