Special Events

Verbal Joust Winners

On February 17th, the mighty champions of Dungeons and Toast joined is a verbal joust, hoping to the honor of bearing Dungeons and Toast’s banner in the joust at the Toastmaster’s Area contest in April. There were not one, but two jousts this night, and the audience was treated to quite a thrill.

Under Greg’s careful supervision, a team of timers, ballot counters, and judges was assembled. Cliff C did an admirable job as the herald (Contest Master). All performed under the watchful eye of the Chief Judge, Michael A.

The offerings were dazzling and well done.  When the smoke cleared on first contest, a challenge of Tall Tales, Andrew B was the victor, with Loni H, and Ryan K following on his heels. Andrew’s plans did not permit him to compete for the club, so Loni will carry our banner to the Area, or, should circumstances forbid her competing, Ryan will compete in her stead.

In the second contest of International Speeches, which permits the contestants to speak on any subject in whatever style they choose, Shukun W proved the victor, with Ryan K next in line. Shukun will carry our banner for the next level, with Ryan charged with competing for her, should she not be able to appear.

Congratulations to our winners, kudos to all who competed, and thanks to everyone involved, whether their name appears here or not.  It was the kind of contest that makes one proud to be a member of the august group that is Dungeons and Toast.

Clockwise from Top Left: Andrew B, Ryan K, Shukun W, Cynthia Z, Loni H, Patrick V
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