From the journal of Ferrin
Juniper the wayward owlbear

Our little band of misfits had a grand adventure today. Our friend Juniper ran off chasing a squirrel or something and ending up running into this weird carnival and jumping into somebody’s wagon. When we tried to get her, they wouldn’t let us in because we weren’t wearing fairy wings, which this cool looking girl goat person said you get when you buy a ticket. Problem was, tickets were a gold piece each, and none of us had more than a few silvers. Yanki and I managed to get a couple of really pretty feathers from a peacock, so we could sell them to buy tickets. I wanted to sell each one for a gold piece, but Yanki grabbed mine out of my hand and sold them both for just one gold. I was pretty mad, but she’s a much bigger kid than me (and kinda scary), so there wasn’t too much I could do.

That’s when Hadley tried to walk straight to the wagon without fairy wings. I thought he’d make it, but this big hairy guy with a pumpkin on his head stopped him. That looked like a good opportunity to me, so while the hairy guy was busy, Yanki and I snuck past them and went over to the wagon. I told the girl outside the wagon what happened, and she let us in.

Juniper was inside, but they were calling her Chloe instead. There was a lot of magic inside. The inside was bigger than the outside, and there was magic that made things look prettier than they really were. This really tall elf told us that they were looking after Juniper while her mom was busy doing other stuff. It all sounded pretty fishy, and with all the magic going around and all, we didn’t believe him. This guy was trying to steal our friend! Yanki and I looked at each other and knew that there were shenanigans going on, so that meant we got to play too.

Yanki arguing ineffectually with Candlefoot

I asked to hug Juniper before we left, and as soon as I did, Yanki emptied a bag of ball bearings onto the floor, and we ran out of the wagon. Pumpkinhead tried to stop us but I dodged. He tried to grab Yanki but she slipped out of her shirt and just kept running with her boobies out. We thought we were home free, but just before we could bolt into the woods, some huge black thing like nothing we’d ever seen before stopped us flat.

All of the other carnival people came around and they were all talking about Juniper, but calling her Chloe. The head of the carnival told us the same story that the elf in the wagon did. That’s when I realized that we messed up, and that Juniper really did belong with them. We said we were sorry and everyone forgave us and gave us free passes to play all of the games at the carnival. The tall elf didn’t really forgive us…since he hurt his leg on the ball bearings (which I kinda giggled about), but maybe the next time the carnival comes this way, I’d do something nice for him to make up for it.

The only real bad thing was the some of us seemed to lose things. Mirareda couldn’t see their reflection in the mirror anymore. Hadley couldn’t read anymore, and I can’t seem to come up with funny puns anymore. The carnival people said that the carnival itself is magic, and takes things from you when you break the rules. I don’t like rules, so that really sucks. But at least I learned a good lesson. Don’t get caught.

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