
Prepare to Support Our Champion – David Easlea

Our Champion, David Easlea, hero of both Table Topics and the International Speech Contest will once again show his prowess and do us proud as he does battle with champions from other (but undoubtably lesser) champions on the Division G field of battle. Watch him claim a sure and certain victory… nay, two – one in each of the fields as he competes for the title of “Speaker Supreme,” and earns the right to champion not just Dungeons and Toast, not just Area G4, but the entire District, and from there as he will proceed to win victory after victory as he competes for the title of “World Champion of Public Speaking.”

Register now at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUld-6prjIvHtFpba00nE1TEntdqbdEeRzT#/registration

And sign up for the 9 AM D100 raid of March 23 on the club website.

But, remember, this is a bring your own turkey leg event.

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