Special Events

Dungeons & Toast Verbal Joust Champions!

The beneficent lords and ladies of our realm have decreed that we hold annual verbal jousts (District 100 Speech Contests). Fortune shone down on our guild members as they competed in a few of the verbal jousts this past Saturday. On a starless night and with the moon and the ocean as his background, clad all in black, Andrew B. shined bright as he won the Area S4 Tall Tales Speech Contest! Loni H., one of our verbal joust guild champions this Toastmasters year, clad in seamstresses clothes with a fantasy tailor’s shop background that changed to match her story as it progressed, was a cut above the rest and won the Area G4 Tall Tales Speech Contest! Shukun W. triumphed in the Area G4 International Speech Contest, and showed us why we should take the leap into the unknown.

Congratulations, verbal joust champions! Andrew, Loni, and Shukun will all move onto the next round of the verbal joust competitions and compete at the Division level, which will be held on Saturday, March 25.

Special guild member shout-outs to the following guild members for their service and leadership at the district level and for their help at the speech contests: Michael A. for his service as the 2022-2023 District 100 Chief Judge, Cliff C. for his service as the 2022-2023 District 100 Division L Director.

Shout outs as well go to Hovey Y., Beth G., and Andrew B. for their help at the verbal jousts and to David E. and Michael C. for their attendance at the verbal jousts to support Andrew, Loni, and Shukun.

Please join us at the District 100 Divisions G and Divisions R and S Speech Contests on March 25 to support Andrew, Loni, and Shukun!

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