
2022 First-Term Election

“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”

John Maxwell

Now our newly elected Club Officers have titles, positions and goals to achieve. However, this is not their guiding purpose or their overall mission. Our Club Officers are united in their love of roleplaying, storytelling and many other hobbies that fall under the umbrella of geekdom. Their passion is to share the love of their hobbies with one another through the vehicle that a Toastmasters’ club has to offer.

Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Greg S., VPE; Loni H., outgoing Secretary, incoming VPPR; Jeremy K., outgoing Treasurer; Patrick V., President; Andrew B., VPPM; Yanini C., incoming Secretary; Matthew G., SAA; Ryan K., Club Mentor; Michael H., outgoing VPPR

We have a great team at the helm to continue making this a reality into the new year.

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