
Early Dues Renewal for Shiny Rewards

Greetings from the depths off the Dragon Coast,

The time is upon us for you to give me your gold. Not all of it. (Unless you want to.) Also, I only accept
dollars, not gold. Anyway, Toastmasters and Dungeons & Toast guild dues for the period of October 2023
through March 2024 are due September 30, 2023. The total cost of dues for 6 months is $65 ($60 to
Toastmasters International and $5 to the club). I urge you to pay ahead of time to avoid the technical
issues that inevitably occur around the due date. In fact, if you pay your dues on or before August 31,
2024, you will receive 20 XP for the Early Dues Renewal Spirit Quest:

Renew your dues within the month of February or August.

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I bid you adieu.
Kelly, Master of Coin

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