Heirs of the Dragon

Coinciding with the Toastmasters year, Dungeons & Toast runs a round-robin tabletop roleplaying game campaign. Each member is encouraged to create a roleplay character that serves as their alternate persona throughout the year and that grows stronger the more active they are within the guild (experience points are granted for delivering speeches, for example, while in-game currency is earned by dressing in costume). With several active GMs and one overarching Campaign Master serving as coordinator, it’s a truly collaborative experience!

Campaign Description

On the southern shores of the Dragonmere, there lies the Dragon Coast.

The Dragon Coast

In the Forgotten Realms there is a small geographical area known as the Dragon Coast. It has long been known for its lack of central government and to outsiders, functions as a small collection of city-states and pirate holds. Power has never been focused in one group but rather ebbs and flows between the different thieves’ guilds, pirate bands, and secret societies that work in the shadows of the region.

There was a time, many generations ago, that this area was the center of power and nobility. Over the centuries, it has devolved into a culture of “everyone has a price.” No one knows when it began, but everyone understands that this is the reality of the Dragon Coast.

Forever Winter

For the last five decades, the seas have gotten colder, darker, and more wild, increasingly limiting trade to the region. The tops of the Giant’s Run Mountains have been covered with snow and the mines in the Gulthmere Forest have gotten colder as the years have gone by, making it nearly impossible to access the resources within. Even the edges of the “Lake of Dragons”, have begun to freeze at their narrowest point between Westgate and Urmlaspyr, forcing the towns on the western edge of Dragonmere to discontinue all travel by sea indefinitely.

No one knows what’s wrong on the Dragon Coast. But if it is not solved, the fallout will be felt by all life in the Forgotten Realms.

Huang Long and the Four Guardians

Before time, in the skies above the Earth there were four constellations. Each constellation was responsible for different seasons, elements, and colors that became the world as we know it today.

Huang Long, the Yellow Dragon
Legend tells that Huang Long was the first leader of the human race. Upon her death, she rose to the sky as the Yellow Dragon to permanently oversee the realm of Earth along with the other four constellations. She is at the center of the four cardinal directions. She had nine children, her heirs, that represent different values and elements that make up the experience of humanity. Unlike the four guardians, was born of the world and therefore she and her children have both human and beast characteristics. When in dragon form, her gold scales glisten like the sun and her body covers great lengths above the clouds to represent her status as the guardian of the Earth Realm.

Qinglong, the Blue Dragon: Wood
Qinglong, the dragon of the east, represents spring, dawn, and the element of wood. Its scales have a brilliant, reflective quality that create beautiful colors of sapphire and turquoise. 

Zhuque, the Red Phoenix: Fire
Zhuque, the bird of the south, represents summer, midday, and the element of fire. It resembles a pheasant with five colored plumage that is engulfed in a permanent flame. Despite its fierce appearance, the phoenix is noble in its behavior. 

Baihu, the White Tiger: Metal
Baihu, the tiger of the west, represents autumn, dusk, and the element of metal. Despite its neutral color, Baihu is the most antagonistic of the constellations, often associated with war and decay. People who look to the tiger often have great strength and ferocity.

Xuanwu, the Black Tortoise: Water
Xuanwu, the tortoise of the north, represents winter, midnight, and the element of water. Xuanwu is unique among the constellations as he appears as two animals, a black tortoise with a snake wrapped around its body. This represents its fickle nature and internal struggle through the state of hibernation in winter.

The Nine Children of the Dragon

Once you have reached Level 2 you may begin channeling your dragon lineage. The rules of activating your dragon soul are as follows:

  • Channeling your dragon soul is a free action.
  • You cannot dismiss the effects once activated for the length of time indicated in the descriptions.
  • You may only channel your dragon soul the number of times equal to your proficiency bonus minus one per long rest.


Qiuniu is the gentlest of the children of Huang Long. Finding joy in the harmony of music, it has a quintessential dragon appearance and is often found adorned on musical instruments. Its human form is the shape of a teenage child wearing simple, summertime robes.

Heir of Qiuniu

For one hour:

  • Gain advantage on Charisma saving throws.
  • Gain advantage on Persuasion and Performance skill checks.
  • Targets you attempt to Charm have disadvantage on their saving throw.
  • You may cast True Strike as a bonus action on allies (not self).


Yazi’s beast form takes shape as the head of a dragon and the body of a jackal. It is bloodthirsty and fond of fighting, often depicted with a sword in its jaws. Often found on armor and weapons, the image of Yazi is used to strike fear in enemies and courage in the hearts of warriors.

Heir of Yazi

Roll 1d8; for one minute gain advantage on Intimidation checks and:

  1. Add 1d10 to your damage.
  2. Add 1d6 fire damage; gain resistance to fire damage.
  3. Add 1d6 cold damage; gain resistance to cold Damage.
  4. Add 1d6 necrotic damage; gain resistance to necrotic. damage.
  5. Add 1d6 radiant damage; gain resistance to radiant damage.
  6. Gain advantage on your next attack if you hit an enemy.
  7. Gain the Charger feat.
  8. Add your proficiency bonus to your AC.


Chaofeng’s form is a hybrid of a phoenix and a dragon. An adventurer at heart, Chaofeng can be seen on the four corners of roofs to represent its longing for adventure to see beyond the horizon as well as protect buildings from evil influence. Chaofeng looks like a natural explorer.

Heir of Chaofeng

For one hour:

  • Gain advantage on Survival/Nature checks.
  • You may cast Longstrider and Jump, one time each during the duration.
  • Pick one non-human target. You are able to learn everything about it through your insight. You have advantage on all skill checks and saving throws on the target for the duration or until the target dies or is knocked unconscious. Target has disadvantage on any action it takes against you during this time. This skill may only be used on one target and cannot be transferred to another target until you channel your dragon soul again.


Pulao is found by the sea, but not easy to find. Its form is that of a small, four-legged dragon, it hides from sea beasts and is more well known for its mighty roar that can be heard when it is scared. Pulao’s voice is so loud, you will often find its image atop bells that represent its vocal prowess.

Heir of Pulao

For one minute:

  • Become one size smaller and add your proficiency bonus to your AC.
    • Magical armor scales, non-magical armor does not
    • Weapons do not scale, player must understand rules for weapons
  • You can cast the Booming Blade cantrip.
  • You can cast Misty Step a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Gain advantage on Stealth Checks.


Suanni is a hybrid of a lion and a dragon that finds peace in stillness. Its favorite pastime is to sit and watch incense smoke rise. Suanni is often found on wood burners as a nod to its love of the fragrance of burning wood and relaxation.

Heir of Suanni

For one hour:

  • You may cast Calm Emotions once during the duration.
  • You may cast Fog Cloud a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Gain advantage against Charmed, Frightened, and Sleep conditions.
  • You and your allies gain the benefits of one short rest.


Bixi is known for its immense strength and stirring up trouble by moving mountains upon its back. It was decided that Bixi would take the form of a turtle with a dragon head to allow large monuments, tablets, and gravestones to be rested upon its shell. Now, Bixi symbolizes longevity and stability.

Heir of Bixi

For one minute:

  • Add your proficiency bonus to your Strength score.
  • Gain advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws.
  • You are immune to being knocked prone or poisoned and are resistant to poison damage.
  • Gain disadvantage on Dexterity saves, checks, and attacks.


Bi’an has a fierce appearance, often depicted more as a tiger than a dragon. With long sharp fangs and great visual prowess, nothing escapes Bi’an’s eye and it represents justice. It uses its fiery nature to strike fear in the hearts of those who would treat humanity unfairly and can be found in prisons or courts to deter criminals and remind humanity to live honestly.

Heir of Bi’an

For one hour:

  • Gain advantage on Charisma saving throws.
  • Gain advantage on Persuasion, Intimidation, and Insight checks.
  • You may cast the Augury and Suggestion spells a combined number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.


Fuxi is elegance. Fascinated by writings found on epitaphs, Fuxi made it a habit of curling itself up and perching upon the top of gravestones and the like to read the writings displayed. To this day, Fuxi is often depicted curled atop stela taking in the beauty of the language and history of mankind.

Heir of Fuxi

For one hour:

  • Gain advantage on Wisdom and Intelligence saving throws.
  • Add your proficiency bonus to either your Wisdom or Intelligence score.
  • Gain advantage on Arcana and History checks.
  • You may cast Borrowed Knowledge once during the duration.


Chiwen takes the form of a fish with a raised tail. Its deep understanding of both water and wind have allowed it to understand the flow of energy within nature. Chiwen is often found on rooftops and building corners to ward off evil and regulate the energy of the areas it protects.

Heir of Chiwen

For one hour:

  • Gain advantage on Nature, Arcana, and Survival checks.
  • You may cast the Resistance and Blade Ward (gains a 30 ft range) cantrips on allies as a bonus action (not self).
  • You may cast the Banishment spell once during the duration.

How to Add an Heir Feat in D&D Beyond

Creating Your Heir of the Dragon

So you’d like to create a character for Dungeons & Toast’s Heirs of the Dragon campaign? Before you get started, you may want to review some background info:

  • Creating Your First D&D Character – This is a nice post on D&D Beyond that goes through the mechanics of creating a character. We use their website for our campaigns so it is a good resource to review before creating your own.

Create Your Character on D&D Beyond

Our Immediate Past Guild Master has a campaign already created on D&D Beyond. It will give you access to all races and classes available for Heirs of the Dragon.

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Some things to remember before creating a character:

  • Use the “Point Buy” system for the Abilities section (27 points).
  • Advancement Type will be milestone.
  • Make Character Privacy “public” if you’d like help from GMs or want to post your character on the guild site.
  • Characters will utilize Max HP when leveling up during the campaign.
  • If you would like to play one of the animal races from the Warrens of the Harengon campaign, they should be available on D&D Beyond.

Create Your Character on the Guild Homepage

Once you have your character created on D&D Beyond, you can put the basic information into the “My Character Sheet” section of the homepage (requires login). Once you login, click the “Campaign” drop down and choose the “My Character Sheet” option. Once you create your character here, you can link to your D&D Beyond character sheet as long as you set your privacy to “public” when creating your character. To find the link to your D&D Beyond character sheet, go to your character sheet page and click the “share” button at the top. It should give you a link to copy and paste.

Earning Experience Points (XP) and Currency (GP)

Unlike a typical TTRPG campaign, in which experience points and currency are awarded for in-game activities, our TTRPG campaign awards experience and currency based on participation in various guild activities, such as meeting attendance. Sign up for meeting roles, deliver speeches, and attend guild-designated “raids” and you’ll be well on your way to improving your skills and equipment. Visit the Quests and Questlines page for the full list of efforts that grant experience and currency during Heirs of the Dragon.

Leveling Your Character

Once you’ve created your character, you should see what level you are based on the XP you’ve earned so far during this Toastmasters Year. Depending on your level, you may need to go back to your D&D Beyond character page and level up your character. To do so, just click the hammer and anvil image on the top right of your character sheet to edit your character.

  1. 0 XP
  2. 30 XP
  3. 90 XP
  4. 160 XP
  5. 230 XP
  6. 300 XP
  7. 370 XP
  8. 440 XP
  9. 510 XP
  10. 580 XP
  11. 650 XP
  12. 720 XP

To help mitigate the difficulty of running RPG games with parties in which members are of significantly different level, a statistic called Guild Level is calculated using an average of all active members’ total XP and is mapped against the level progression for an individual member. For the purposes of participating in Game Night, members whose in-guild character is of a lower level than the calculated Guild Level will instead play their character at the higher Guild Level. In a roleplay sense, higher level party members provide an Aura of Advancement to their compatriots, through the supportive nature of membership in Dungeons & Toast.

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Gearing Your Character

All newly created characters are awarded 250 GP with which to purchase their starting equipment. To look for items you may wish to purchase, I recommend using the D&D Beyonds Item Page to look at equipment and magic items. To start, it’s likely you’ll only be able to afford common and uncommon items. Look for armor, weapons, and items suitable for your character and then visit Akemi’s Magickal Sundries and Tea House to purchase utilizing the gold in your account. Just search for the item and click “Purchase for XX Gold” to add to your character. You can also add the item to your character sheet in D&D Beyond if you’d like to track it there for our Roll 20 Games.

Some items to consider as you start earning gold at lower levels:

  • Bag of Holding – carry all the loot!
  • Cloak of Protection – +1 AC (Armor Class) and +1 on all Saving Throws
  • +1 Weapons and Armor – Improves defense/offense in combat
  • Alchemy Jug – Fun item that allows you to create a bunch of different liquids
  • Brewer’s Supplies – Because you’ll want beer for your journey

Seriously, just look through the items, see what speaks to you, and check the shop to see if you can afford it.

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Additional Resources

That’s it! You’re ready to play in the Heirs of the Dragon campaign. But there’s a lot more stuff for you to check out if you’d like to:

  • Beyond 20 Chrome Extension – If you’d like to use your character sheet from the D&D Beyond homepage to play in Roll20, Chrome has a nifty little extension that’s pretty easy to use.
  • Request a Character Design – Want a cool image of your character? Submit your design request and our resident AI artist (Loni) will get something whipped up for you when she has time.
  • Check out everyone’s character! – Visit the character roster page on the guild website and see what other members are doing with their own characters.
  • The story so far… – See posts from other guild members about the game or their characters that are shared on the Dungeons & Toast website/blog.
  • Level Up! – Visit the Quests page to figure out how to maximize XP and Gold earning. Give speeches, serve as a functionary, wear your gear! These are all ways to level and strengthen your character.
  • Give Commendations – Did someone inspire you? Help you with a speech? Do a great job in a meeting? Run a fantastic game? Well take a moment and nominate them for a commendation on our “Commendations” page. This earns their character XP for this year’s campaign.

Get into the Spirit

Campaign Wallpaper

Use of the official Heirs of the Dragon wallpaper always counts toward Use On-Theme Background quest during our weekly meetings.

Huang Long and the Four Noble Creatures wallpaper

Campaign T-Shirts

Members can purchase and wear one of several campaign t-shirts for credit toward the Wear D&T Gear (or Costume) quest during our weekly meetings. (You must be logged in to access the campaign shop.)

Campaign Character T-Shirts

Any member can request a custom t-shirt design featuring their character using the Character Design Request form. These shirts also count toward the weekly Wear D&T Gear (or Costume) quest. Here are a few examples from the Heirs of the Dragon campaign:

Request a Character Design

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