Guild Mission: Welcome, fellow adventurers, to a realm where tales unfold and destinies are forged. Within this guild hall, we gather as kindred spirits, bound by an ardor for storytelling and the art of tabletop roleplay. By embarking upon unfamiliar paths and overcoming challenges along the way, we are inspired to reimagine ourselves and emerge as the heroes of our own narrative.
Guild Master
Greg S.
Quest Master
Vice President Education
Andrew B.
Recruitment Master
Vice President Membership
Cameron P.
Master Bard
Vice President Public Relations
Kait W.
Master Scribe
Kenneth B.
Master of Coin
Kelly S.
Sergeant at Arms
Mindy B.
Former Guild Master
Immediate Past President
Loni H.
Campaign Master
Andrew B.
Web Master
Loni H.

Dungeons & Toast Meeting

Date: Friday July 5, 2024
Meeting Theme: A New Year - a New Hope
Word of the Day: not yet chosen
6:45 to 7:00 PM

Meet & Greet


7:00 to 7:05 PM

The Sergeant-at-Arms shares the Club Mission Statement and welcomes visiting guests. He or she then calls the meeting to order, introducing and ceding control to the Toastmaster-of-the-Day.

7:05 to 7:15 PM
Toastmaster of the Day Angel L, DTM

The Toastmaster introduces the members of the Evaluation team: Wizard of Ahs (Ah Counter), Cleric of Rhetoric (Grammarian), Sorcerer of Time (Timer), and Scribe.

Prepared Speeches

7:15 to 7:40 PM
Speaker 1 Michael A, DTM
Strategic Relationships Level 3 Increasing Knowledge - Researching and Presenting
5 - 7 minutes
How it all began

As we enter the Year of the Dragon campaign, you have only to look at that tombstone to see Fuxi, the most scholarly of dragons perched, with a book in his hand.  Taking time from reading, he stops to explain the origin of the world with the on-looking crowd.

Although it make look to the uninitiated like Dr. Michael is the one talking, if you listen with skillful ears, you will hear Fuxi, explain physics and metaphysics, in the ways that only he can.

Speaker 2 Patrick V, DTM
Strategic Relationships Level 1 Mastering Fundamentals - Evaluation and Feedback - Second Speech
5-7 minutes
Too Late I Realize . . .

As Havell Fitz, his Dungeons & Toast guild campaign character from the previous Toastmasters year, the Year of the Harengon, Patrick recounts Havell's journey from fledgling arbiter, archaelogist, and ambassador to hero in the climactic battle with Lucifera to prevent her ascension to lichdom and save the lives of baby Harengon's.

Speaker 3 Mindy B
Presentation Mastery Level 1 Mastering Fundamentals - Evaluation and Feedback - First Speech
5-7 minutes
Character Creation: Francesca

In this speech Mindy will share their process of building their new character for the next campaign.

Backup Speaker David E, ACB A

1-3 speakers deliver prepared speeches, each of which is generally 5-7 minutes in length.

Impromptu Speeches

7:40 to 8:00 PM
Topics Master David E, ACB A

The Table Topics Master conducts the table topics session with members and guests invited to speak extemporaneously for 1-2 minutes each. Returns control to the Toastmaster-of-the-Day.

The Toastmaster-of-the-Day passes control to the Captain of the Watch (General Evaluator).


General Evaluator Robert G, DTM

The Captain of the Watch (General Evaluator) leads the third and final portion of the meeting which is dedicated to evaluation.

8:00 to 8:10 PM
Evaluator 1 Michael C
Evaluator 2 Cynthia Z, PM5
Evaluator 3 Loni H, IP5

Each Speech Evaluator delivers an evaluation of the prepared speech to which they have been assigned.

8:10 to 8:15 PM
Timer Kait W

The Sorcerer of Time (Timer) delivers his or her report.

Ah Counter Kenneth B, DTM

The Wizard of Ahs (Ah Counter) delivers his or her report.


The Cleric of Rhetoric (Grammarian) delivers his or her report.


The Scribe delivers his or her report.

8:15 to 8:19 PM

The General Evaluator provides an overall assessment of the meeting, including exceptional moments and opportunities for improvement before ceding control to the Toastmaster-of-the-Day.

8:19 to 8:21 PM

The Toastmaster-of-the-Day provides closing remarks before ceding control to the presiding officer.


8:21 to 8:36 PM

The presiding officer facilitates any outstanding club business before adjourning the meeting, including:
•Soliciting guest feedback
•Member recognition
•Filling roles for the next meeting

Additional Club Business

8:36 PM

Meeting Ends